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How Can I Get Rid of a Double Chin Without Surgery?

kybella_injection_logo_rgbThe appearance of submental fullness (frequently called a “double chin”) is a common cosmetic concern that entails excess fat under the chin, which is often difficult to lose despite a healthy diet and exercise. Traditionally, liposuction has been the only effective method of eliminating accumulated fat beneath the chin and creating a more sculpted jawline. However, with the introduction of KYBELLA™, patients now have a non-surgical alternative that is quickly gaining popularity.

KYBELLA™ has many unique advantages compared to liposuction for reducing the appearance of a double chin. Since KYBELLA™ is an injectable used directly at the target site, there are no incisions and little to no associated recovery time. In addition, the entire KYBELLA™ treatment can be completed within 20 minutes, allowing patients to immediately return to their daily activities. Composed of deoxycholic acid, KYBELLA™ works to dissolve excess dietary fat, ultimately providing enhanced contours around the area of the upper neck and chin. Follow-up treatments may be scheduled to maximize the results of this innovative procedure. Once the desired number of treatments is complete, the final outcome with KYBELLA™ is considered to be long lasting.

KYBELLA™ is the only non-surgical procedure approved by the FDA to treat submental fullness (double chin). If you would like to learn more about KYBELLA™, or schedule a consultation at Dermlounge, please contact our office today.