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Breast Reduction

What Is a Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure to remove excess tissue, fat, and skin to create a breast size and shape that is well-balanced with the patient’s figure. In many cases, breast reduction surgery can alleviate the physical discomfort that often accompanies overly large breasts such as neck, shoulder, and back pain; poor posture; breast asymmetries; and skin rashes or irritation. Following this customized procedure, the smaller, lighter breast results can often improve the patient’s overall confidence and quality of life.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons in Richmond, Dr. Neil J. Zemmel and Dr. Karishma Reddy, are among Virginia’s leading breast surgery specialists with many years of experience in various cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. For more details about breast reduction surgery, candidacy, recovery, and more, read the informative sections below.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery may be seeking physical and/or cosmetic improvement to relieve symptoms of overly large breasts, such as:

While the personal reasons for breast reduction can vary by patient, all candidates for the surgery should be in good health both mentally and physically, have a thorough understanding of the procedure, and have realistic expectations of the outcome.

What Does the Breast Reduction Procedure Involve?

There are several surgical techniques that can be used for a breast reduction procedure, depending on the patient’s breast tissue and fat composition, complexity of concerns, and cosmetic goals. For mild to moderate elimination of excess tissue and skin, a “vertical breast reduction” may be used, in which the incision is made down the center of the breast, creating a lollipop scar pattern. Alternatively, for significant sagging of the breasts and a very low nipple/areola, a “wise pattern reduction” can be performed adding a horizontal incision under the crease of the breast, producing an anchor scar pattern. This technique helps to optimize the strength of the lift and reshaping of the breast to address a full reduction.

In general, once the appropriate incisions are created, the excess glandular breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to form the new contours of the breast size and shape. During this time, liposuction may be used to remove the fatty tissue between the skin and muscle layers with a precise suctioning method through tiny incisions. The nipple and areola are then lifted for a balanced look and structure before the incisions are carefully closed to complete the procedure.

What Can I Expect After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Following breast reduction surgery, some degree of swelling, bruising, and soreness or tightness in the affected areas can be expected. These symptoms should subside during the recovery process and are typically manageable with adequate rest and prescribed pain medication as directed. Generally, most patients may return to work and light activities within a few days to one week but should wait to resume more strenuous movements and exercises for at least three to four weeks. Follow-up appointments with Dr. Zemmel or Dr. Reddy to evaluate the progress of the recovery will provide a better timeline for each patient based on their personal rate of healing.

How Much Does a Breast Reduction Cost?

A breast reduction procedure at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery typically ranges between $10,000 and $12,000. The final cost will be based on the custom-tailored treatment plan, which is influenced by the surgical technique, volume of breast tissue removed, and complexity of the procedure as well as additional fees (anesthesia, hospital facility, post-surgery garments, etc.).

If your breast reduction surgery is considered to be medically necessary (not for purely cosmetic reasons), it may be possible to receive payment coverage from your health insurance provider. It is best to speak directly with the insurance company to discuss the benefits of your plan and what may be covered or due out of pocket. Richmond Aesthetic Surgery also works with third-party lenders such as CareCredit® to offer financing and flexible payment plans with low monthly installments for qualified patients.

To learn more about breast reduction surgery, please contact us today to schedule your consultation.