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Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a procedure that surgically removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles of the abdominal wall that may have become stretched or torn. Also known as an abdominoplasty, the results of a tummy tuck can sculpt a leaner, flatter, more toned midsection. For more information about tummy tuck surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeons in Richmond, Dr. Neil J. Zemmel and Dr. Karishma Reddy, have provided details below, or you can visit our specialty website focused on tummy tuck surgery at tummytuckrichmond.com.

Am I a Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Ideal candidates for tummy tuck surgery are in generally good health and at or near their ideal weight. They typically have concerns relating to the three layers of the abdominal wall, such as excess or lax skin, stubborn fatty tissue, and weakened or torn muscles. Many patients who seek a tummy tuck procedure are men and women who desire body contouring after massive weight loss, due to having a significant amount of loose skin remaining. Mothers with stretched abdominal wall muscles and sagging skin after pregnancy can also benefit from the contouring effects of this procedure.

To determine if an abdominoplasty is right for you, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Zemmel or Dr. Reddy.

What Does the Tummy Tuck Procedure Involve? 

Tummy tuck surgery generally takes approximately two to three hours to complete, depending on the patient’s treatment plan, and requires at least one overnight stay to ensure optimal comfort and safety. The procedure begins with an incision placed on the lower abdomen just above the pubic area. The skin is then lifted so the abdominal and oblique muscles may be pulled in tighter, and any torn muscles may be repaired, followed by removal of excess skin and fatty tissue, which can often include excision of C-section scarring.

Lastly, the navel (umbilicus) is repositioned to complement the most natural, balanced appearance on the stomach. The incisions are then precisely closed to ensure scarring can be concealed beneath underwear and bikini bottoms. To complete the procedure, one or two small drain tubes are inserted under the skin for excess fluid removal from the surgical site over the course of five to seven days.

What Can I Expect After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Following the tummy tuck procedure, patients will have an overnight hospital stay to ensure adequate pain management and hydration. They are then evaluated by their surgeon to confirm their recovery is on track before they can return home. All patients will receive comprehensive post-operative instructions, including how to change the surgical dressings.

Mild swelling, soreness, bruising, and discomfort is to be expected but should subside within a few days and can be eased with prescribed pain medication. Carefully moving and walking around the house when feeling up for it can help to reduce stiffness and the risk of blood clots. The first follow-up visit is typically scheduled five to seven days after hospital discharge, during which drainage tubes will most likely be removed.

Patients may resume light activities after two to three weeks but should refrain from strenuous movements and lifting heavy objects until at least four to six weeks after surgery. Wearing compression garments as directed are beneficial in the weeks following surgery, or as directed by your surgeon, to aid in the healing process and shape your new contours.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

Although the cost of a tummy tuck procedure varies per patient, the average cost of an abdominoplasty in Richmond ranges between $10,000-15,000. Typically, this includes the surgeon’s fees, operating room and facilities charges, anesthesia fees, post-operative compression garments, and routine post-op visits. Factors such as more complex surgeries to repair extensive muscle damage or the addition of liposuction for excess fat removal will likely raise the cost to the upper price range. If a posterior or extended tummy tuck is performed, you can expect your final cost to be approximately $16,000-18,000.

After the initial consultation, a quote will be provided and our friendly, knowledgeable team will be available to review the specifics and any questions. To learn more about available financing options at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery through our reputable third-party lenders, please contact our practice.