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BOTOX® for Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a condition that affects many people and can cause jaw pain, tooth damage, and headaches. Traditional treatments have included mouthguards, stress reduction techniques, and dental correction, but an innovative approach using BOTOX injections has gained attention for its effectiveness.

For those struggling with teeth grinding, our team at the Dermlounge can help you find relief by injecting BOTOX into the masseter muscle, which is the large muscle that helps you chew. Masseter BOTOX has shown promising results in reducing the symptoms of teeth grinding.

How Does BOTOX for Teeth Grinding Work?

BOTOX, a brand name for botulinum toxin, works by temporarily relaxing muscles where it is injected. In regard to teeth grinding, BOTOX is injected directly into the masseter muscles. By reducing the muscle’s activity, the neurotoxin helps to alleviate the pressure and grinding that can lead to tooth damage and jaw pain. The procedure is relatively quick and non-invasive, with most patients experiencing significant improvements within a few days to weeks after treatment.

In addition to its therapeutic applications, BOTOX® Cosmetic is often used in the jaw for cosmetic purposes to reduce the size of the jaw muscles, creating a more contoured facial profile. However, when used for teeth grinding, the primary goal is to reduce the muscle activity causing bruxism, offering relief from associated symptoms and preventing further dental damage.

How Long Does Masseter BOTOX Last?

The effects of BOTOX in the masseter muscles can vary from person to person, but generally, the results last between 3 to 6 months. The duration depends on various factors, including the individual’s muscle strength, the amount of BOTOX used, and how fast each person metabolizes it. Over time, and with repeated treatments, some patients may find that the effects last longer, as the muscles adapt to reduced activity levels.

How Much Does Masseter BOTOX Cost?

The cost of masseter BOTOX can vary widely based on geographic location, the expertise of the injector, and the amount of BOTOX required to achieve desired results. Generally, the cost is calculated based on the number of units used, with treatments typically ranging from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars. It’s important to consult with a licensed and experienced professional to get an accurate estimate tailored to your specific needs.

Schedule Your Masseter BOTOX Consultation

Considering BOTOX injections as a treatment for your bruxism? Contact our team at the Dermlounge to schedule your consultation and learn about its benefits and your candidacy.