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How Can I Find a Skilled Provider for KYBELLA®?

KYBELLA® is an exciting injectable treatment that can reduce excess fat underneath the chin—often referred to as a double chin. This procedure has continued to gain in popularity since its FDA approval in 2015. If you are unhappy with stubborn fat that is affecting the look your neck profile, you may be a good candidate for KYBELLA.

Just as you would want an experienced professional to administer dermal filler or BOTOX® injections, it is important to seek a skilled provider when considering KYBELLA. Although it is a generally straightforward treatment, receiving injections from an under-qualified professional may result in a less-than-satisfactory outcome and also increases your risk of complications or side effects.

Although the only professionals allowed to perform KYBELLA injections are those who have received the necessary training, it is a good idea to do your research to ensure you are being cared for by a provider who has been certified by Allergan®, the manufacturer of KYBELLA. When you consult with a professional, make sure they are knowledgeable about the KYBELLA procedure, and you feel comfortable with their skills.

If you have any questions about KYBELLA, or would like to schedule an appointment with our aesthetic professionals, please contact us today!